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Shipping Tools

Weight Converter

Convert pounds to kilograms
pounds x 0.4536 = kilograms
Convert kilograms to pounds
kilograms x 2.2046 = pounds

Dimensional Weight Calculator

Determine Dimensional Weight
Service Type
Package Dimensions Length    Width    Height   
Dimensional weight Enter dimensions and weight
Charge based on Enter dimensions and weight

Actual Weight
The weight of a package using a standard scale rounded to the next full pound
(Example: a 3 1/2 pound carton will have an "actual weight" of 4 pounds).
Dimensional Weight
Calculation used to reflect a package's density. INT uses the International Air Transport Association (IATA) volumetric standards. This standard is used for all international and domestic shipments. When measuring your packages remember to round any fraction of an inch to the nearest whole inch.

Volume - calculation used to determine the three-dimensional space the box occupies: length x width x height measured in cubic inches or cubic centimeters.

For International Air Express Shipments – Multiply the Box’s dimensions (length x width x height) and divide the cubic inches by the dimensional weight factor of 166 if measured in inches. If measured in centimeters divide by 6,000 for a dimensional weight in kilos. Divide kilos by 2.2 to convert to pounds.

Example: a box with the dimensions of 30"(L) x 20"(W) x 20"(H) = 12,000 cubic inches, divided by 166 = 72.2 pounds for a "dimensional weight" of 73 pounds (always round to the next full pound).

For U.S. Domestic Air Express Shipments – Multiply the Box’s dimensions (length x width x height) and divide the cubic inches by the dimensional weight factor of 194 if measured in inches. If measured in centimeters divide by 7,000 for a dimensional weight in kilos. Divide kilos by 2.2 to convert to pounds.

Example: a box with the dimensions of 15"(L) x 10"(W) x 20"(H) = 12,000 cubic inches, divided by 194 = 15.4 pounds for a "dimensional weight" of 16 pounds (always round to the next full pound).

Chargable Weight
Weight (actual or dimensional - whichever is greater) used in calculating shipping charges. (Example: the actual weight of a package is 15 pounds and the dimensional weight is 25 pounds the chargeable weight will be 25 pounds.)

International Shipping Documents & Resources

Commercial Invoice
A Commercial Invoice is used when dutiable (typically non document) goods are shipped internationally. It is acceptable for Customs purposes if prepared in accordance with Section 141.86 through 141.89 of the United States Customs Regulations. The invoice should be completed in the English language, must contain the shipper's company complete address, telephone number and fax, and be signed by the shipper or its agent. An accurate and complete description of goods is necessary for Customs purposes. The original commercial invoice, one copy attached to the shipment paperwork, and one copy attached to the shipment are required. A Commercial Invoice typically is required on Worldwide Express package shipments, it can also be created online while preparing shipping label from INTexpress.com.

 Download and fill out commercial Invoice Commercial Invoice (PDF)
U.S. Certificate of Origin
Some destinations require a Certificate of Origin (CO) for certain commodities. The purpose of the CO is to authenticate the country of origin of the merchandise being shipped. The CO may be required because of established Treaty arrangements, varying duty rates, and preferential duty treatment dependent on the shipment´s origin.

The CO verifies the country in which the goods were manufactured. The commodity being exported and its destination determine if the CO is required. Some nations restrict imports from certain countries; many countries limit the quantity of goods that are allowed to be imported, or give preference to goods manufactured in the U.S.

This form requires the authorized signature of the local Chamber of Commerce Secretary and the seal of that organization. The descriptions and amounts on the CO must be consistent with those entered on the Invoice.

Use the NAFTA CO for destinations to Canada and Mexico if the goods qualify as North American Origin goods.

 Download and fill out US Certificate of Origin (PDF)
NAFTA Certificate of Origin
The NAFTA Certificate of Origin is used by Canada, Mexico, and the United States, including Puerto Rico, to determine if goods imported into their countries receive reduced or eliminated duty as specified by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

The NAFTA Certificate of Origin must be attached to an Invoice if the shipment is valued at greater than:
  • $1,000 USD and is being sent to a Mexican destination from Canada or the U.S.
  • $1,600 (Canadian dollars) and is being sent to a Canadian destination from Mexico or the U.S.
  • $2,500 USD and is being sent to a U.S. destination from Canada or Mexico.
Shipments valued at less than the above amounts do not require a NAFTA Certificate of Origin. Instead, the customer should type the following statement on the shipment´s invoice:

"I hereby certify that the good covered by this shipment qualifies as an originating good for purposes of preferential tariff treatment under the NAFTA."

For purposes of obtaining preferential tariff treatment, this document must be completed legibly and in full by the exporter and be in the possession of the importer at the time the declaration is made. This document may also be completed voluntarily by the producer for use by the exporter. Please print or type.

 Download and fill out NAFTA Certificate of Origin (PDF)
Electronic Export Information (EEI/SED) Filing Authorization Form
We recommend electronic self-filing for EEI/SED. Log onto the U.S. Government Automated Export System (AES) web site at www.aesdirect.gov. AES Direct is a free service sponsored by the U.S. Census Bureau. All Shippers who electronically file EEI/SED data directly with the Census Bureau using AES must cite the AES ITN on the Air Waybill.

If you are unable to file your AES record electronically before pickup, INT will be able to assist you. We will file an EEI/SED through AES on your behalf when you provide all the required information. Additional fees will apply for this service. Customers utilizing the EEI Filing Authorization Form must provide the required information a minimum of four hours prior to their scheduled shipment pickup time to avoid possible transit delays.

Please fax the completed EEI/SED Filing Authorization Form and export documentation to: 1-212-685-3518 or send via email to: eei@INTexpress.com

Questions? Call 1-866-497-4071

 Download and fill out EEI Authorization Form with Instructions (PDF)
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